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Grateful giving

If you are to develop as a good giver then you need to think about gratitude. Being thankful and giving with a cheerful heart is an important lesson we can all learn from the Bible. Here we explore part of a letter written to the church in Corinth to see what this says about being grateful.

The Bible teaches us that good giving comes from gratitude. A good giver is expressing a grateful heart. In this letter to the church in Corinth, St Paul says giving is not carried out "reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver"  and he finished his advice saying "thanks be to God for his indescribable gift".

Our regular committed giving is an act of gratitude which both acknowledges what God has given us as well as recognising that all we have is God's gift.  

As a disciple on the Rule of Life then you may want to ask yourself - is my attitude to giving coming from a grateful heart? You may wish to read the passage from Corinthians 9 v2 to see what it says to you about how you could organise your giving.  Are you saying thanks to God for what you have and giving with a grateful heart?

This short course helps you think through your attitude to giving. Our related course - How Christian's Give - offers ideas about how you can respond to this challenge.


  • Sent to Give
  • Gratitude
  • Gift; Gratitude; Generosity
  • regular giving
  • attitude

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