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Jonah Telling the Truth; Truthfully (Week Four Challenge)

Week Four's challenge is a response to Jonah Chapter 3

This week's text is Jonah 3

(Jonah 3) speaks of God’s persistence and the call on our lives to go to different places and tell of the good news, even if that means we are called to go to difficult places. Jonah has stopped avoiding the call and does God’s will.

In our diocese we talk about being sent to tell - it is one part of our Rule of Life – but our challenge this week is that you stop avoiding that call and find at least one person to tell your story to.

You may find it helpful to do this with others in church.

Reading Denis McBride’s book Journeying with Jonah? You may want to read Part Four  -  The Second Mission alongside this week’s reading.


Do share stories and reflections with us

You don’t have to share anything private but it would be great if you could share your reflections, stories and inspirations on our social media feeds using the hashtag #RuleOfLife #CalledToRead #JourneyWithJonah

And do encourage others to sign up to the rule of life and take part in this challenge. Your next reflection will come from Bishop Paul on Monday.


With our blessings


  • Called To Read
  • Bible
  • Reading
  • Jonah
  • Whale
  • Paul Bayes
  • Bishop Paul

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