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Bring One Friend - 3rd challenge

The third challenge is to actually make that invitation.

In this week’s reflection, Bishop Paul examined some of the factors that prevent us from actually inviting our friends to a service or event this Advent or Christmas. He reminded us that having those fears and doubts is not sinful but is a natural part of the process. And he encouraged us to take that step and actually make that invitation.

So now you have thought and prayed about the people you wish to invite alongside what you want to invite them to. It’s time to make that invitation.

So your three-step challenge this week is

Step One: Make your decision. Decide who you are going to invite and what you will invite them to. Get all the details of the service or event together so that you can answer all questions.

Step Two: Go and invite them. It is best to do this in person. By speaking face to face, you will show your friend that you really care about them coming. By all means, take information to leave with them but make the face to face invitation.

Step Three: Give them time to think about the invite and whether they want to accept it. Don’t put them under pressure but remember to be reasonably persistent and follow up on your invite.

Remember to talk to the person who you said you would be accountable to and if you can do this in groups or as a church then that’s all the better.

Next week the Bishop reflects on what next now you have invited your friend.

And don't forget to pray for your friend

“Dear Lord,

I pray for xx I pray that they may be open to an invitation to come to church. Please open their hearts to be receptive to your love for them. I pray that you may find me the right time to make that invitation. I ask this in Jesus’ name



  • Bring One Friend
  • Sent to Tell
  • Bishop Paul
  • Invitation
  • FollowTheStar

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